Monday, March 9, 2009

*My Views on Euthanasia*

Is "mercy" killing a legitimate way to ending someones life?
I believe that "euthanasia" is a humane, and legitimate way to end someones life. For example, someone who is in a coma might have little to no chance of ever recovering, so I believe that this person's family, whoever they are, should be able to decide their family member's faith without any conviction of punishment. Another way of "euthanasia" that I find acceptable is assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is to abolish or eradicate one's life voluntarily painlessly. I believe that this is humane in cases when one is terminally ill and no longer wants to suffer, however, I do not view this acceptable if the person is all but depress. I also do not find it acceptable when one exploits euthanasia as a way out, just like what Mr. Lupoe decided for his family. What Mr. Lupoe did to his family was wrong, no matter how bridled, or frustrated he felt about getting canned from his job. I also believed that in any case that someone should decide to result to something as drastic as this, they should consider the possibility that everything will get better.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

*Mercy Killing*

1. Reflecting on Of Mice and Men.
a. In the book "Of Mice and Men", George had to make the ultimate decision of ending Lennie's life. In his defense though, Lennie did always get George into some kind of trouble. For example, George always got fired along with Lennie because he would do something stupid. Not only is Lennie a burden to George, but he is also a threat to everybody else which is probably why he did what he did.

b. Although what George did to Lennie was a pretty horrible thing, I really don't blame him and I do think what he did to Lennie was the best thing for him. I think it was the best thing for Lennie because I'm pretty sure that if Curly would've found him, Curly would've done something worst. On top of that, I think that it was the best thing to do since they eventually had to stop running from everything.

2. Father in Italy Accused of Murder
a." Late last year, 67-year-old Beppino Englaro, won an intense 10-year legal battle to allow his daughter's feeding tubes to be removed, saying that was her wish."According to the quote, he decided to remove his daughter's feeding tubes because it was within her wishes. I understand why he decided to follow through with removing her feeding tubes, I could just imagine what he must have felt, what he must have been thinking when he realized that he had to decide for her, that her life was now in his hand.

b. "Eluana Englaro, who had been in a vegetative state for 17 years, died Feb. 9 in a clinic in the city of Udine after doctors removed her feeding tubes. She was 38." In my opinion, I do think that removing her feeding tubes was the best thing. According to the quote, she was in a "vegetative state" for 17 long years, in my opinion, she has suffered long enough, long enough for people to have understand why he did what he did. And for the people who thought removing her life support was in humane, I think that they should put themselves in her father's position.

3. Man Kills Family after Losing his Job
a. What happened to the Lupoe family is huge tragedy, even if it was "euthanasia". Although, according to the article and the "suicide note" he left, he claims that his employer told him that he should have just "blown his brains out", this was probably one of the things that triggered his and his wife's "decision", as he claims, to do what they had resorted to. Although, I could imagine other things that were going through his head as he "contemplated" on committing such a horrific thing. I could just imagine him thinking about what they were going to feed their kids since they have lost their jobs, or worrying if they could still keep the house, etc, etc. I believe that he did what thought was best for his family, although I strongly disagree to what he did to his children.

b. It is true that the economy is affecting the way a lot of families live, but giving support to your child does not only have to come from the money that they received. Other ways that parents can support us, "the kids", is to give us encouragement in everything we do. Encouragement is not only a positive thing to do, but it is also a productive thing to do, because personally, I have succeeded in a lot of ways I never thought I could. For example, I don't think that my own techniques in drawings could have ever develop without my parents encouragement. Many parents could do the same for their child, especially focusing on encouraging their kids on doing what they love.