Tuesday, February 3, 2009

1a. Find and post a picture of a celebrity, athlete, cartoon character, etc (male OR female) who would best play RALPH.
-Batman as Ralph

1b. Answer the following in a complete sentence: Who is this person? Give 5 thoughtful reasons this person would play RALPH well (use descriptions, personality traits, roles, actions, motives, etc)
-Batman is a comic character that many has come to know. I decided to give him the role of Ralph because I believe that his strong personality will make Ralph a stronger character. I also view Batman as being a very dark and troubled individual, therefore he will be able to give Ralph's character a more dramatic affect. I have also come to know him as a very strong leader, though he is times in conflict within himself, that being mentioned, I believe that he will be able to portray Ralph's leadership in a unique way. He is also a very drawn individual just like Ralph is, yet I think that on top of everything, the main reason why I chose him is because he is very different in dealing with his issues.
2a. Find and post a picture of a celebrity, athlete, cartoon character, etc (male OR female) who would best play JACK
-The Joker as Jack

2b. Answer the following in a complete sentence: Who is this person? Give 5 thoughtful reasons this person would play JACK well (use descriptions, personality traits, roles, actions,motives, etc)
- The Joker is Batman's biggest and worst enemy. The fact that they are mortal enemies is probably one of the biggest reasons why I picked the Joker. I also decided on giving him the role because of his mental instability, giving Jack's role a more deviant and disturbed twist to it. Another reason I gave him the role is because of his hatred for the Batman, this factor will make the story line more interesting and a lot darker.

3a. Find and post a picture of a celebrity, athlete, cartoon character, etc (male OR female) who would best play PIGGY.
-Robin as Piggy

3b. Answer the following in a complete sentence: Who is this person? Give 5 thoughtful reasons this person would play PIGGY well (use descriptions, personality traits, roles, actions, motives, etc)
-Robin is Batman's sidekick. I decided to cast him as Piggy because it's a perfect fit. Piggy is practically Ralph's sidekick, and Robin is Batman's sidekick. I also decided to give him the role because I thought that it would enhance the portrayal of Ralph's leadership, I also thought that giving him the role would show how much of an abuse Piggy actually gets from everybody else. On top of everything though, I thought that his stubbornness towards the Batman would give the story a twist.

4a. Find and post a picture of a celebrity, athlete, cartoon character, etc (male OR female) who would best play SIMON.
- Clayface as Simon

4b. Answer the following in a complete sentence: Who is this person? Give 3 thoughtful reasons this person would play SIMON well (use descriptions, personality traits, roles, actions, motives, etc)
- Clayface is one of Batman's rival, but the twist to this story is that he use to be one of Bruce Wayne's closest friends. I decided to give him the role of Simon because Simon's character is very timid, just like Clayface was in the beginning. Another reason why I chose him is because Clayface was a cop in the Batman series, therefore he will be in conflict within himself to pick between sides. The last reason I chose him is because of his vengeful, yet confusing attitude towards society.

5a. Find and post a picture of a celebrity, athlete, cartoon character, etc (male OR female) who would best play ROGER.
- Harley Quinn as Roger

5b. Answer the following in a complete sentence: Who is this person? Give 3 thoughtful reasons this person would play ROGER well (use descriptions, personality traits, roles, actions, motives, etc)
- Harley Quinn is yet another of Batman's sworn enemy, she is The Jokers supposed lover. The fact that she is The Joker's supposed lover is one of the reasons I picked her to be Roger; I thought that by casting her as Roger, there would be a possible love match. I also thought that her disturbed mentality would be perfect since Roger did kill Piggy. My last reason for casting her is because I see her as The Jokers apprentice/sidekick, just like Roger is like Jack's right hand man.

6. Find and post a picture of what you would use as your "beastie" (you can have more than one)
-Since my whole story line has been based on the Batman, I decided that the "Beastie" should be the Gotham Police. I thought that it was a perfect fit since the Gotham Police hasn't always been a big fan of the Batman, not his villains.

7a. Find and post a picture of a place you would like your movie to take place (this does NOT have to be an island - think of another place your characters can be stuck)

-I would like my movie to take place in the Arkham assylum since most of my characters are mentally distubed.

7b. List at least three things you would change about the story (this may be due to setting OR just personal preference)

-One of the three things I would change about my story is Piggy dying. The second thing I would change is Ralph's charater, not literally, but I would make him a more demented and dark character. The last and third thing I would change would be that way Piggy is; I would make Piggy's characer a lot more defensive and a bit tougher.

8. TITLE: Would you keep the title Lord of the Flies the same? If not what would you change it to?

-I would change it to "Lord of Arkham" so that it fits better.