2. "Every human being has the right to own their own body".
3. Well, there you go, "every human being has the right to their own body", and as you can see, women are human beings. Human beings that are capable of forming opinions and making decisions just like the men in this society. Also, I think that abortion gives women personal independence and satisfaction of knowing that they do have an option on what to with their body.
4."Banning abortion puts women at risk by forcing them to use illegal abortionists".
5. The quote in number four is another reason why I support legalized abortion. In my opinion, without legalized abortion, we are putting many women in danger of using uncertified abortionist. I also think that without legalized abortion, many women will feel as if they don't have an option, nor do they have anywhere to turn to in the occasion that they wanted to abort the fetus.